Ensuring a Safe and Enjoyable Schoolies Season
Police are ramping up their presence in Victor Harbor for Operation Schoolies, a safety initiative accompanying the 2024 Encounter Youth Schoolies Festival. With approximately 4,000 school leavers expected to celebrate over three days, the festival promises activities, live music, and free shuttle buses for attendees.
Superintendent Joanne Howard, Operation Schoolies Commander, emphasized the importance of community and road safety during the event. Police and emergency services will collaborate to maintain a safe environment for both attendees and locals.
Although the festival grounds are alcohol-free, Superintendent Howard urged legal drinkers to consume responsibly and avoid driving under the influence. The SA Police Road Safety Section will also conduct daily voluntary breath tests at nearby caravan parks.
Superintendent Howard cautioned attendees against drug use, warning that possession of illicit substances will lead to severe consequences.
With multiple transportation options available, attendees are encouraged to make safe choices and look out for one another during the celebrations.